By SkinnyMs.

Summer is here, and therefore means it’s time for it to begin your shoes, rollup your sleeves, and have busy making little changes to build big results. Whether you’re a do-it-yourselfer, a baker, an adventurer, or all of the above, we’ve got you covered on strategies to makes this your easiest summer ever!

1. Meditate at the very least 10 mins per day.
2. Think of one “big idea” to make it happen.
3. Customize the, fun haircut or here is another different color.
4. Pamper yourself. Get a massage.
5. Adopt an animal shelter pet or volunteer on a shelter.
6. Smile for a stranger.
7. Throw a “clean eating” supper party.
8. Go into a running program.
9. Read that book you’ve been intending to read.
10. Call an oldtime friend.
11. Order a dish for a restaurant there is never tried before.
12. Cover someone’s meal out.
13. Be thankful for the insufficient things.
14. Visit the new town to get something fun to do there.
15. Lend some help when it’s least expected.
16. Replace one fast food by using a superfood.
17. Maintain a food journal.
18. View a local retirement home and hold someone’s hand.
19. Plant your chosen vegetable.
20. Have a home in the second.
21. Check out a new town.
22. Rent a ship.
23. Generate a new playlist with all your songs from in older times.
24. Camp.
25. View a farmers market.
26. Use a water balloon fight.
27. Find great deals in a yard sale.
28. Learn how to make use of a slow cooker.
29. Make homemade applesauce.
30. Build your own popsicles.
31. Host a personal game night with friends and relations.
32. Create a reading space/nook within your house or yard.
33. Create an herb garden around the window ledge or maybe in your very own backyard.
34. Wear bright colors.
35. Take part in the seaside or park clean-up.
36. Eat outside twice a week.
37. Upcycle old clothing, lumber, etc, to a work of art.
38. Complete a mosaic stepping-stone to the garden.
39. Consider the dog(s) to the dog park.
40. Rent a projector and host a film night outside the house.
41. Challenge yourself to make a new recipe each week.
42. Host a healthy, clean eating potluck dinner.
43. Take a surfing lesson.
44. Play frisbee on the beach or for a park.
45. Meet friends for coffee or tea.
46. Make homemade healthful soft serve.
47. Help the kids with a lemonade stand.
48. Go berry picking.
49. Challenge you to ultimately walk or ride, as an alternative to drive.
50. Host proper chili cook-off.
51. Surprise a friend using a flower and also a note.
52. Hang a hummingbird feeder around the balcony or deck.
53. Obtain a mani/pedi.
54. Pull out those rollerblades and go rollerblading.
55. Replace massive doubts with positive ones.
56. Hit the flea promote for the right finds.
57. Employ a girls’ night out.
58. Purchase a new perfume.
59. Write this quick essay in regards to personal memory.
60. Stop and take a break.
61. Go bicycling.
62. Go sailing.
63. Visit the state you’ve never visited.
64. Generate a donation to the favorite charity.
65. Volunteer on a homeless shelter.
66. Take a web-based class.
67. Enroll in a book club.
68. Drink more water.
69. Wear sunscreen.
70. Take an outdoors yoga class.
71. Get rid of your carbon footprint.
72. Simplify your way of life. Declutter.
73. Make your own mantra.
74. Express gratitude.
75. Give up refined sugar.
76. Walk 10k steps daily.
77. Reduce streaming and TV watching time.
78. Go into a new workout program.
79. House clean and gives unwanted items to charity.
80. Become a simple home workout space.
81. Require a dance class.
82. Go to the local library.
83. Be a grilling diva.
84. Become a pro at push-ups.
85. Mow the grass using a push mower.
86. Pack a clear eating picnic and let a pal.
87. Take more time by nature.
88. Create a motivation board.
89. Forgive someone.
90. Go hiking.
91. Run or bike a charity race.
92. Watch one of the favorite artists perform live.
93. Spend a night out examining the stars.
94. Plant a tree.
95. Paint a well used furniture piece and then make it new again.
96. Get informed about a social issue.
97. Create and organize a graphic album.
98. Perform favor for the neighbor.
99. Join a local organization or group where you live.
100. Find a new craft, like pottery or painting.
101. Remember those you care about, and make them important.

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