White rice can be a staple in numerous cuisines, nevertheless it’s not really known for its minerals and vitamins. As compared to other kinds of whole-grain rice, such as brown, black, red, or wild, it has a higher list and is also decreased fiber, vitamins, minerals, and protein.
While additional whole-grain rice alternatives like those just mentioned are great choices, there’s a veggie-based swap that’s best of all: cauliflower rice.
Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable which has detoxifying and cancer-fighting plant chemicals called glucosinolates.
It’s fashionable great source of ascorbic acid, delivering 77 percent of your respective recommended daily value per cup. Beyond that, blossom assortment of additional health supplements, together with fiber and protein, blowing any kind of rice right out of the water with regards to overall minerals and vitamins.
Aside from your nutritional benefits, this cauliflower rice recipe is conveniently gluten-free and paleo-friendly. It’s faster for making than regular rice too; chop it down by using a mixer or blender, then saut it and you are done! It’s just a easy way to sneak up some vegetables for picky eaters, as the texture causes it to become far better.
Use this anywhere you’d use regular rice, such as in burritos, stir-fries, or even just as the side dish. Enjoy!
Cauliflower Rice Recipe
1 head cauliflower, chopped into 1-inch pieces (or smaller)
1 tablespoon olive oil
3 to 4 cloves garlic, chopped
salt and pepper, to taste
1. In batches, put cauliflower from a food processor and pulse to rice-size pieces, then remove to the bowl.*
2. Heat a pan over medium heat, add oil to coat the beds base, you can add garlic and cook for 1-2 minutes before adding the cauliflower rice. Cover by using a tight-fitting lid and steam for Half an hour.
3. Remove the lid, stir well, season with pepper and salt to taste, and let cook a different 5 to 6 minutes, before moisture is taken away and it also resembles fluffy rice. Serve warm or at room temperature.
*You also can use a Vitamix or regular blender on a low setting (nothing above 4). If utilizing a blender, you will need to undertake it in batches about 1 or 2 cups at any given time. You should not over-blend, or you’ll end up available puree in place of rice. You should take advantage of the tamper.