Every so often we discovered a good research opportunity, which is a kind of times. The scholar at Australian Catholic University named Rachelle Gooding is performing a survey on her?thesis on psychological issues with fibromyalgia.

The survey is being conducted beneath the supervision of Dr. Catheryne Lang and it’s completely anonymous find out more that it is (you could possibly submit their email to be inked a raffle drawing or to receive outcomes of the study). You don’t need to provide any identifying information should you not wish to, of course participation is strictly voluntary.

Criteria for participation:

  1. You will need to have an analysis of fibromyalgia by the qualified medical professional
  2. You need to be over the age of 18

And that’s it. You will find still much we don’t learn about fibromyalgia which is an alternative way to learn even more with this dibilitating disease.

You will take laptop computer here.