There’s no room like home… of burning some calories! Not reaching the fitness center today? That’s fine. This 5-minute workout will burn fat supply tons of lasting energy.

When many people think about a home workout, they are of any half-effort job. Not this occassion. This workout demands 100% effort for every single second, therefore we know you’ll love creating your all. To obtain the results it’s important to put in the work, whether you’re at the gym or in the home.

Equipment Needed: Interval Timer?(Gymboss is a free app download), yoga mat

What to try and do: Assess the workouts below and observe the videos to become familiarized with each exercise. Perform each exercise for One minute, and immediately jump on the next exercise. No rest needed! Perform this workout 3 x each week to extend your cardio capacity and muscle strength.


1. Quick Feet
2. High Knees
3. Diamond Push-ups
4. Plank Jacks
5. Leg Raise (lower abs)

1. Quick Feet

3. High Knees

3. Diamond Pushups

4. Plank Jacks

5. Leg Raise

Interested in many workouts that can be done comfortably in your house? Check these routines out:
Beautiful Home Workout
10 Minute At-Home Fat Blasting Workout
Get Fit Home Workout Challenge

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Does your workout plan need a jumpstart? Try our 6 Week Emergency Makeover Program. Or, you can like our new eBook Bundle Package.