The most of the time we spend?in your everyday lives needs the make use of our hands. Typing, texting, and touch screens all strain our fingers, and inevitably our wrists. Most people, specially those among us with jobs which need constant by using computers and various devices, may realize that, eventually, our muscles and joints will strain with much usage.

Prevent the sort of injuries that happen to be brought on by these repetitive wrist and hand motions with wrist exercises. With constant, repetitive strain, it’s important to strengthen our wrists and hands to make sure they’re strong throughout the years. These wrist workouts focus on your fingers, wrists, and forearms, all which require strengthening in order to reach everyday demands. Your joints and muscles will appreciate it years from now!

Equipment Needed: 3-5 lb dumbbell, chair or bench

What to carry out: Look at the exercises and videos below. Perform each exercise for 15 reps with each and every hand, holding each stretch for 3 seconds.


1. Wrist Flexor Stretch
2. Wrist Extensor Stretch
3. Finger Flexion/Extension
4. Dumbbell Wrist Curl
5. Dumbbell Finger Curls
6. Dumbbell Wrist Extension
7. Dumbbell Wrist Rotation

Wrist Flexor Stretch

Wrist Extensor Stretch

Finger Flexion/Extension

Dumbbell Wrist Curls

Dumbbell Finger Curls

Dumbbell Wrist Extension

Dumbbell Wrist Rotation

You’ll need amazing arms to reinforce your wrist, hands and forearms. Try some fo a popular arm workouts:
4 Week Resistance Bands Challenge: Week 1 C Arms
H.I.I.T. Your Arms Workout
5 Minute Arm Workout

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